September Newsletter - A Rainy Equinox & Life Cycles

**Please Note: This Newsletter May Contain Sensitive Subject Matter**

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Reader, it's been a while since we last touched base. What's good with you, fam?!

Happy Autumn Equinox to you! If you're on the East Coast right now, rain and wind are ruling the roost! I'm currently in the NorthEast neck of the woods and we are having a very rainy equinox thanks to Ophelia. I pray you and your family are safe during hurricane season.

I was planning to send you a video update today, but your doctor is not feeling it right now. So words will have to do for today.

This past week has been exhausting and the rain storm right now makes me want to sleep all day (NO CAP)! In fact, I slept until noon today, which NEVER happens! If that is not a sign of how your body will shut you down to rest, then I don't know what else is. (haha!). And sometimes, instead of fighting against yourself, you just have to go with it.

Seriously, why do we push ourselves to do things when we KNOW we don't want to, don't have to, and it really doesn't make a big difference if we do it?!

Can you relate, Reader?

If so, feel free to share with me a time you made yourself do something that went against how you really felt. What was the outcome? Did you do it for someone else's sake and not your own? Or, did pushing yourself actually help and make a positive difference? Personally, I usually don't receive the best outcomes when I go against my own self-preservation, lol. But, I'm curious if that's true for others as well.

Also, Reader, have you ever noticed how life tends to occur in cycles and repeated phases?

For example, every 100 - 120 days a red blood cell dies and a new one begins. Every month, there is a full and new moon. Every 3 months, our seasons change. Every 7 - 12 years, we all go through major shifts and changes, which can be very challenging and/or life-changing.

Here's the deal on my end...

The last three months have been a complete upheaval! I've been missing in action on socials and newsletters because my world was and currently is being rocked by many changes. I know some folks keep pushing on and sharing their entire process with the world, but that's just not how I operate. I am a private introverted person (despite being quite outgoing), and I rather get through my challenges by going inward and staying present. That said, please trust that I have an incredible support system I openly share with to help me process and grow. I firmly believe that we all need people most when we are going through tough times and it is not a time to self-isolate or shut down.

So far this year, we've had three devastating deaths in my family, and lots of other changes in between.

The cycles of life and death are inevitably experienced by everyone in this world. You can't outrun it or deny it. And experiencing death so close and personal in my circle has been a bitch slap to the face. I've been humbly reminded how fragile life can be and not to take time and people for granted. Not only that, family is such a special village that we should pour regular effort into nurturing those relationships. Then, there is also the reality of what it means to live healthily and foster a life of longevity, which varies for us all.

I'll spare you details of all my shadow work and grief process, but just know, that these events have helped to reawaken how I view health and family. I'm clearer than ever that...

HEALTH & FAMILY must come first! The cycle of life and death is too volatile and difficult to not place your health and family as a priority in our day-to-day. You can make all the money in the world, live in a mansion, drive a luxury car, take expensive ass vacations, and buy the most ridiculous stuff; but you can't take any of it with you when you die, and none of it guarantees great health or will comfort loneliness.

Being the staunch realist that I am, I've also realized the importance of having your documents together when it comes to life insurance, living wills, and being clear about who will take care of you or have your back when illness hits. This is especially important when you enter your 30s and beyond, so follow this link to get your affairs in order so it doesn't cause more grief and difficulty for you or your family in the event of sudden illness or demise.

Final note...

The Autumn Equinox is an excellent time for reflection. On a day where the hours of day and night are equal, and days will soon become shorter, the theme of BALANCE is a major energy you may feel right now. Take this opportunity to explore and understand what are your innermost desires:

  • Where do you invest your time and energy most? Is there reciprocity?
  • Which goals are creating alignment for you AND which are no longer aligned with your growth?
  • Has your life currently reached a crossroads where you need to SLOW DOWN, PACE YOURSELF, and INITIATE A NEW PATH of healing and progress?
  • Are you being led by EGO or SPIRIT? Do you know the difference?

I've been doing this work lately, amidst all the shifts and changes, and I'm getting clear on what I want the next phase of my life to reflect so that I continue to align with a balanced existence. It's been highly revealing and I'm amazed that the beliefs and goals I had even a few years ago are no longer what I want or believe now.

So, that's where I am at, and I will be sharing more with you very soon on some of the new developments birthed from this process. The biggest of which includes, making more space and time to take care of my health and family. By keeping health and family as my focus right now, I'm feeling hella hopeful. :-)

Thanks for reading Reader and I encourage you to share with me too. Remember, this newsletter is not just for informational purposes. It's a community we're building together.

I would love to hear from you about what's been shifting in your life and how are you feeling or navigating it. (>>Hit Reply to Share!)

Inside this September Issue:

  • Practice Updates - What's new in the practice
  • September Wellness Favorite - Fire Cider Recipe
  • Natural Medicine News & Research - The latest happenings in natural medicine and research.

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Practice Updates & Resources:

Accepting New Patients for Fall 2023

Now is an opportune moment to focus on your well-being and address any health issues. My concierge programs are unparalleled and tailored to assist you in attaining optimal health that caters to your unique requirements. Don't wait and neglect your health! Learn more about working together here.

Dr. Ray's Immune Wellness Protocol for Fall 2023

Cold and Flu season is here, and it's important to keep your immune system protected with anti-viral, anti-inflammatory nutrients to prevent recurrent upper respiratory infections. Even if you're shot-boosted, you can still get sick with many other viral strains. Here are my top picks to save you some sick days this year. For the best effects, pair this support with 8 -10 servings daily of fresh organic fruits and vegetables, and limit your intake of high sugar, junk, and processed foods.

4 African-Inspired Grounding Practices for Autumn Equinox

Here is a throwback post I wrote last year in honor of the seasonal change. The tips I shared still apply to this year's equinox.

Reply to this email or leave a comment on the post to share what is your favorite Fall activity that helps you connect and enjoy nature!

September Wellness Favorite:

This month I'm sharing an old-school recipe for keeping your immune system strong.

Fire Cider for Immune Support

This recipe is courtesy of Mountain Rose Herbs.

Naturopathic News & Research:

  • Turmeric as effective for acid reflux as pharmacy drugs, trial shows - read here.
  • How ultra-processed food impairs nutrient absorption - learn more here.
  • Not so sweet: Chemical in common artificial sweetener found to damage DNA - find out which one here.
  • 4 Non-Traditional Warning Signs of Metabolic Syndrome - Read the signs here.
  • Study Reports Elevated levels of Toxic Metals in Some Mixed-fruit Juices and Soft Drinks - learn more.
  • A growing number of sports bras, shirts and leggings brands found with high levels of toxic chemical, watchdog warns - are your fitness clothes safe?

Connect with Me:

Community is Everything! Without community, we cannot succeed, grow or heal.

I depend on my subscribers and social followers to help me keep doing what I love to do - teaching and healing the world with naturopathic + indigenous medicine. Please take a moment to show some LOVE below!

Thank you for reading, and again, feel free to reply back to me if you want to share feedback on one of my questions or something you learned here.

Love, Peace, & Blessings

~ Dr. Ray

A Dose of Vitamin Ray - Wellness Newsletter

Greetings! My name is Dr. Ray, ND MS and I specialize in helping busy individuals overcome chronic illness, reverse burnout, and restore vitality using natural and indigenous medicine designed for modern living. With almost a decade of experience as a primary care doctor and over 2,000 patients served, I am proud to have been featured in respected publications such as Forbes Health, MindBodyGreen, US News & World Report, and EatThisNotThat! Each month, I send out a free "A Dose of Vitamin Ray" e-newsletter to offer expert information on using naturopathic medicine, indigenous healing practices, nutrition, lifestyle, and other wellness resources to support your daily well-being. Subscribers gain access to valuable tips, health research, herbal remedies, healthy recipes, and more. Join my healthy community by subscribing today!

Read more from A Dose of Vitamin Ray - Wellness Newsletter

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